Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh, how time flies...


That basically sums up my life right now. I love when the new year starts; I'm such a fan of resolutions and goals. Here's what I've accomplished so far, in 2008:

1. THE GYM=Amazing! My New Year's Resolution is to go to the gym at least 3x a week. I've kept up my goal so far, and I feel so good. Working out makes me me feel relaxed, calm, happy, proud, and pretty. If I meet my goal of 3x per week for a month, I get a 'treat' at the end.

2. Cooking! I've been doing really well lately. I think a big part of cooking is realizing that it doesn't have to be perfect. I used to get really discouraged when a dish I would make wouldn't turn out perfectly. Now, I'm realizing it's all about trying new things and practicing cooking 'skillz'. I've made some yummy things, and I'm definitely seeing the advantage of cooking vs. buying take-out.

3. I've found a great balance between everything: work, school. and my social life. It's great when you can manage your time well enough to feel relaxed and not pressured to always think about the next stressful thing.

Ok, that's enough bragging about how perfect my life is. Time for some bedtime tea, phone with DJ, and BED!


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