Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some Afternoon Delight

A post during the day! Amazing!

No, I'm not unemployed. I have a 2 hour break between classes. I'm at a Starbucks in Downers Grove. This woman came in and had a very unique drink order; she wanted a steaming cup of hot water, with a handful of coffee beans thrown in. And that's it. She kept asking for it, but the Starbucks didn't have any beans; I guess they had just ground them all up. It was really random, and took about 10 minutes for this woman to try and convince them to make it. She finally settled on a bottle of water. She kept asking, "You've never tried it? It's great! You should try it!"

Um, gross. And awkward. 

I'm somewhat stressed with life right now. Here's the run-down:

-Financial aid for school: my lender went bankrupt so I had to redo my entire process. I HATE doing these things because I don't understand any of it.

-Taxes. I bought TurboTax, and was so proud of myself. I thought, "What a smart, adult purchase." Everyone was raving about how easy it is. So I do the whole thing, and they tell me I OWE the government $500, and I will only get a return of $60. WTF?

-School. I'm in 2 courses right now, so I'm either always in class, always reading, or always stressing about class. My Community Health Analysis course requires that we write a large group paper by the end of the class, about 15-20 pages on a town in DuPage County. One of our group members (I'll call her "The Smoker") is being totally difficult. She's refusing to use email as a way to communicate with the group. Here's her reasons, which I find hilarious:
-In other courses, group members have "abused" her email address by sending things to her constantly (isn't that the point?)
-She doesn't have the time in the evenings to read all our parts of the project (ditto the above parentheses)
-Why should we email, when we can do everything over the phone? (Because I do not feel comfortable sitting across the room from you in class, let alone call you at home)

The Smoker is also bossy, interrupts everyone, is a know-it-all, and reeks of tobacco. I am dreading class tonight, because we have group time to work. I'm regretting joining this group now; good thing it's over at the end of May.

I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, however. Here's a positive: I graduate from Benedictine in May 2009! I'll be doing my internship in the summer of 2009! So excited! I didn't have a party when I graduated from ISU, so my mom is all for this one. She's already planning it. I've literally been in school since I was 5; I can't even imagine what it's like to not constantly have something to read, or write, or submit. So this time next year, I will be completing my last course of my masters program! 

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